The essential rite of confirmation is the laying on of hands by the bishop accompanied by these words: “Strengthen, O Lord, your servant N with your Holy Spirit; empower him/her for your service; and sustain him/her all the days of his/her life. Amen.” The fullest expression of this rite is when the forehead is anointed with the oil of chrism prior to these words – as happens in many Anglican dioceses.
“Confirmation is the rite in which we express a mature commitment to Christ, and receive strength from the Holy Spirit through prayer and the laying on of hands by a bishop.”
Book of Common Prayer, 1979, The Episcopal Church)
The Diocesan Confirmation preparation Day will be held at Christ Church Cathedral on 25th April 2020, the Confirmation Service is on May 5th 2020 at the Cathedral. If you are baptized but have not been confirmed, please speak to Rev. Lucy or email.