Worship with a Special Guest: Rev.d José Luis Arana Moyano
Join us for in-person worship Sundays at 10:30. Special Guest (Transitional Deacon) Rev.d José Luis Arana Moyano will join us and preach in Japanese. You can also join our worship…
聖公会 日系 聖十字教会
Join us for in-person worship Sundays at 10:30. Special Guest (Transitional Deacon) Rev.d José Luis Arana Moyano will join us and preach in Japanese. You can also join our worship…
Join our Monthly Church Council online! Please reach Rev. Alecia for Zoom link: holyxanglican@gmail.com
Ash Wednesday Service followed by Potlach lunch. Bring your favourite potlach dish!
We are delighted to announce our guest presider and preacher Rev. Laurel Dykstra this Sunday March 27th. Rev. Laurel is a priest at Salal +Cider, a congregation focusing on environment…
Free Join our Japanese language lesson! It is a conversation-based casual Japanese learning opportunity! From beginners and advanced, all levels are welcome. We have a class right after the…
Join our Bible Study on Zoom! Zoom Bible Studies: Tuesdays 1:00pm to 2:00 PM (Japanese) (ENGLISH SPEAKERS ARE WELCOME!) Zoom・聖書勉強会 火曜午後1ー2時(日本語で行われます) Everyone is welcome, all you need is your Bible,…
Join us for in-person worship Sundays from 10:30 am to about 11:30 am. The service is conducted in both English and Japanese. You do not have to be prepared for…
自力整体 - Self Chiro Nikkei Wellness Fundの協賛により、松村先生をお迎えして自力整体のワークショップを6月19日午後12時半に開催します。 料金は無料ですが、人数制限がありますので事前にご予約お願いします。 メールアドレス: holyxanglican@gmail.com ヨガマットもしくはバスタオルをお持ちください。 ワークショップは日本語で行われますが、非日本語話者の方も歓迎いたします。 Thanks to Nikkei Wellness Fund, we welcome Matsumura sensei for her lecture and demonstration of Self-Chiro. June 19,…
We have free Sound Bath event happening this Sunday from 12:30 to 1:30 after the Sunday service! Thanks to Nikkei fund. Please bring your friends/family and comfy pillows to this…
Join our Bible Study on Zoom! Zoom Bible Studies: Tuesdays 1:00pm to 2:00 PM (Japanese) (ENGLISH SPEAKERS ARE WELCOME!) Zoom・聖書勉強会 火曜午後1ー2時(日本語で行われます) Everyone is welcome, all you need is your Bible,…
We gather, enjoy our fellowship and do church work together!
We provide bilingual (English and Japanese) Sunday services. Everyone is invited! The sermon is translated into Japanese, also available on Podcast.