Thank you for returning your Pledge Card with your prayers:
Prayer of Pledge form
HEAVENLY FATHER, we praise and thank You for drawing us to serve at the Holy Cross Japanese Canadian Anglican Church. We pledge our love, fidelity and commitment to You Lord, as we strive to carry out Holy Cross Church Mission of providing people the experience of encountering You, and receiving healing and spiritual formation, so that Holy Cross church can be a cradle for Main Land in Canada.
LORD JESUS, grant us the desire to grow in personal holiness and sanctification. Deepen our prayer life, keep us rooted in the Word of God and the Eucharist, and faithful in frequenting the Sacrament of Reconciliation.
HOLY SPIRIT, teach us to imitate Christ’s self-emptying love and obedience to the Father. Grace us to be generous, available, humble and hospitable in our service. Help us to be a forgiving community, united in love. Form us to be a people of prayer and praise, grounded in God’s love, and from which will flow our service, evangelical and missionary zeal, and works of mercy. In all that we do, we depend on Your grace.
Through Jesus Christ our Lord.
JC community workshop on the effects of Clergy Sexual Abuse
On June 15, 2015 the Anglican Diocese of Calgary and New Westminster gave their apology to survivors, their families, friends and the JC community for the sexual abuse perpetreated upon community children, mostly boys, by Goichi Gordon Nakayama.
Feb 18th, 2017 from 10 am to 2 pm at Tonarigumi 42 W 8th St, Vancouver
A workshop will be held and will include a panel presentation followed by lunch and community dialogue. Panellist will be :
* Teal Maedel : Psychotherapist
* Bishio Melissa Skelton and Archdeacon Lynne McNaughton
* Dr. Satsuki Ina : Japanese American Psychotherapist and professor
SAVE THE DATE :EAM Japanese Convocation at Los Angeles Diocese Center and St. Mary’s Church.The schedule is on Friday, June 16- Monday, June 19
お 知 ら せ
お誕生日おめでとう: ジェームズ・ウォング(1月27日) ウィ二ー・ルイ(2月3日)桑原茂&エイヴァリー・タマギ (2月6日)
Tues. Feb 7th: Japanese Class at 11 a.m. English Gospel Bible Class 1p.m.
Fri Feb 10th: Japanese Bible Class at Minato’s House at 10 am
Sun. Feb. 19: Annual Vestry Meeting 信徒総会