The Next Sunday’s Readings 次回の朗読箇所
At the liturgy of the Palms Matthew マタイ福音書 21:1-11
The 1st: Isaiah イザヤ書 50:4-9
The 2nd :Philipians フィリピ書 2:5-11
The Gospel福音書:Matthewマタイ 27:11-54
CHRISM MASS — RENEWAL OF VOWS, BLESSING OF HOLY OILS: Tuesday in Holy Week (Apr 11), 12:10 pm, Christ Church Cathedral. A light lunch will follow. Please let Fr. Im know of your attendance.
From Vestry meeting of Motions
Congregation decision for Sunday church service time and format
April 9th after the service, please put in your calendar.
Proposal change to the Sunday Service format and schedule to a new format beginning at 9:30 am and ending at 12:10 pm as follows:
09:30 am – 10:30 am – Study session and music
10:30 am – 11:00 am – Coffee break and fellowship time
11:00 am – 12:10 pm – Sunday Eucharist Service (Short Version)
There are opinions and Question on the Chart.
Prayer and Donation bin for El- Bethel church in Nepal.
Please take one bin and letter from box behind( From Mar 19 to Apr 30th)
* Church front door was vandalize in Jan. Church committee decided to replace, it cost will be over $5000 and church will cover $1000
お 知 ら せ
Tues. Apr 4th: 10am Japanese Class &1pm English Gospel Bible Class
Thurs 6th 6pm ACAM Youth Camp preparation at St Mathias and St Luke
Fri 7th 10 am : Japanese Bible reading Psalm at Minato’s House
Every Wed.10 am: “Stations of the Cross” with Eucharist
「十字架の道行き」と聖餐式 午前10時
Every Sat. 4-5 pm: “Labyrinth” Meditation 祈りの道を歩きながら瞑想
13th Maundy Thursday Wash feet 10 am and 6pm
14th Friday Good Friday Station of the Cross 10am
16th Sunday Easter 10 am, After Lunch Easter Egg hunting for children