Shirley Reid’s Memorial Service The family were so pleased having her memorial service at Holy Cross Yesterday. Susan Kihara her niece said “thank all your ladies that worked so hard to make our service wonderful. Very much appreciated for that”.
Next Sunday Men’s Hot dog day (fundraising Lunch $5)
From Vestry meeting of Motions – A motion for changing the Sunday church service time and format. April 9th after the Sunday service, please add this to your schedule in your calendar.
Next Sunday during the announcement, there will be a presentation from Wayne.
Prayer and Donation bin for El- Bethel church in Nepal.
Please take one bin and letter from Church
Tues. Mar 21th: No Japanese Class & English Gospel Bible Class, 4 p.m. meeting with Bishop
Fri 24 10 a.m. Japanese Psalm Bible reading at Minato’s house
Every Wed.10 am: “Stations of the Cross” with Eucharist 「十字架の道行き」と聖餐式 午前10時
Every Sat. 4-5 pm: “Labyrinth” Meditation 祈りの道を歩きながら瞑想