Zoom Bible Study

Zoom Meeting Online

Come an join us for Bible Study in English. Each week we look at the coming Sunday's readings and unpack them together. As we cannot meet in person we will…

Pentecost Holy Eucharist

Holy Cross Anglican Church Holy Cross Anglican Church, Vancouver

Come and join us for the vibrant celebration of Pentecost when we hear scripture in multiple languages and celebrate the coming of the Holy Spirit. All are welcome to attend.

Book of Acts Online Formation

Zoom Meeting Online

To join the meeting click HERE at 6:30pm Formation Sessions: The Book of Acts During this 6 week course we will journey through the book of Acts, learning about the…

Holy Cross Day!

Holy Cross Anglican Church Holy Cross Anglican Church, Vancouver

Come and join us for the service of Holy Eucharist followed by a celebration for Holy Cross Day. the service is approximately an hour and a half, leaving lots of…

Pet Blessing, St. Francis of Assisi Day

Holy Cross Anglican Church Holy Cross Anglican Church, Vancouver

On Sunday 4th October we will have an short pet blessing service outside on the church lawn to celebrate St. Francis Day. St. Francis is the patron Saint of Italy…


Hallowtide begins on all Hallow's Eve and ends on the Octave Day of All Saints. Hallowtide consists of All Hallow's Eve, All Saint's Day, All Souls Day and the Octave…

All Souls Day, Eucharist 6:30pm

Holy Cross Anglican Church Holy Cross Anglican Church, Vancouver

We read the names of the faithful departed and remember those we have loved but see no longer. Flowers and photographs may be laid at the altar. This is a…

Remembrance Day Service

The details for the  Japanese-Canadian Remembrance Day service at the War Memorial in Stanley Park are to be confirmed.

Season of Advent

Advent marks the start of the church year and we begin by awaiting the coming once again into the world of our Saviour Jesus Christ. Each Sunday in Advent we…

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