Sunday Worship

Sunday Worship is at 10:30 AM and held simultaneously in the Japanese and English language using bilingual service booklets.


Telephone: 604-879-1344
FAX: 604-879-1212
Email: [email protected]

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December 11th Sunday Service is at 5 PM. No service at 10 AM.

3rd Advent Sunday Reading


Tues. Dec. 6: Japanese Class at 11 a.m. & The Bible reading at 1 p.m.

Fri .Dec 9 10am Japanese Psalm reading日本語詩編を読む会 at Minato’s home

Sun. Dec. 11: Pre-Christmas Service & Dinner at 5 p.m.(set-up at 4 p.m.)

プリ・クリスマス礼拝と夕食会 午後5時(準備は4時から始めます)

Wed. Dec. 14: “Taize Music & Fellowship” hosted by Anglican CanAsian

Ministry, at St. Michael’s, 409 East Broadway, Vancouver

6 p.m. Taize Music followed by fellowship meal at 7 p.m.

All are welcome. Admission Free, including the meal.

For details, contact with Fr. Im, 604-618-6491





Sat. Dec. 24: “Candle Light & Carol Service” at 7 p.m.


Sun. Dec. 25: Christmas Day Service at 10 a.m.クリスマス礼拝午前10時

Sun. Jan. 1: Epiphany & Carol Service at 10 a.m. with Ozoni soup.

顕現日とキャロル礼拝、午前10時 お雑煮で新年のお祝いをします。

Sun. Jan. 15: Church Committee Meeting 教会委員会

Sun. Feb. 19: Annual Vestry Meeting 信徒総会


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