Thank you for returning your Pledge Card with your prayers: . If you have any question, please email to Wayne ([email protected]) or phone to Gwen(604-273-7481). Please fill out the pledge form returning it no later than January 31st. in person, email or by postal mail. [email protected]
Holy Cross Church 4580 Walden St, Vancouver, BC, V5V3S5
To participate the Sunday worship: please write your name on the chart
for the 1st Reading, the 2nd Reading, Gospel Reading, people’s prayer Servers, Greeters and flower chart.
Next Sunday Lunch: Hot dog Sunday by men’s Group $5
お 知 ら せ
献金誓約用紙:を祈りを持って捧げてくださることに感謝します。もし、質問がありましたら、イム司祭 [email protected]、604-618-6491まで
Tues. Jan.24th: Japanese Class at 11 a.m. English Gospel Bible Class 1p.m.
Wed Jan 25 1-4 pm : Membership Growth Training (Fr.Im)at Synod
Fri Jan 27: Japanese Bible Class at Minato’s House at 10 am
Sun. Feb. 19: Annual Vestry Meeting 信徒総会