Christmas Lights: Please donatethe lights you don’t need or make
donations to buy them to decorate outside of the church.
Please speak to Wayne Tamagi for details.
お 知 ら せ
Tuesday 15th No Japanese class and Next Sunday English Gospel reading, Rev. Im will attend the Clergy day meeting
Thurs. Nov. 17: “RING OUT” at Christ Church Cathedral 4:30-6:30 p.m.
A celebration of “Raise the Roof, Ring the Bells, Feed the Hungry”.
All are welcome.大聖堂にて新しいベル・タワーなどの祝賀会
Fri. Nov. 18: 10am Reading Psalm in English 詩編を読む会 At Minatao home
Fri. Nov. 18: Fall Concert “Autumn Potpourri: A Medley of Songs & Instrumental Music” at St. Matthias & St. Luke at 8 p.m. Ticket: $15 at the door. 680 W. 49th Ave., Vancouver (
Sat. Nov. 19: Naomi’s Cooking Class has been cancelled.
Sun Nov 20 : Church Committee 教会委員会
Tues. Nov. 22: “Mental Health Awareness Event” 5:30-7:00 p.m.
At Christ Church Cathedral 大聖堂にて午後5時半―7時
Sat. Nov. 26: CLEAN-UP DAY: Please help us to clean up our church
before the 1st Advent (Church’s New Year).
Sun. Nov. 27: 1st Sunday Advent (Year A) Service
Hot Dog Day by Men’s Club メンズ・クラブによるホットドッグ・デー